My Kikay turns 8
She got a lot of new stuff as birthday presents - a Hannah Montana hoody, more Kikay clothes, Tamagochi, Twistable Crayons, Barbie Kikay kit, Hello Kitty doll house - most special to her is her first-ever (second-hand) cellphone!
It has been 8 years since she hurriedly got out from me. She was supposed to come out November of 2000 but I guess she was in a hurry to get out and see the world. I just hope my Kikay would not be in a hurry to grow up (yet) and get out of Dad and Mom's care.
I wish you good health and happiness, I know you've been studying hard and have been diligent with school works...for that, I am proud of you. I smile
each time I see you take care of your siblings, specially Gia. Whenever I need something to check at home, it's you whom I call because you know where Mom keeps everything in our room. How my heart
skips a beat when I hear you and Ate Diane "giggling" over the Jonas Brothers' Band, the Naked Brother's Band, or with Zac Efron...not yet please!
I pray for you always, my love and guidance will always be with you. Luv u! Luv u! Luv u!