I Love You Ma!
It is embarrassing to admit that I can only count the times I actually said I Love You to my Mama (face to face that is), but this does not mean I love her any less. During Birthdays, Mother’s Day, Christmas, Wedding Anniversary, and Valentine’s Day I have given dozens of gifts with cards and wrote those three important words. I know for sure she knows how much I love her but I know deep inside she should hear it often straight from my mouth, said and meant sincerely—most women do—to hear those three words coming from a special person is something precious.At age 74 with 7 children, 6 children-in-law, and 17 (living) grandchildren (soon to be 18 courtesy of my sister Betsy), Mama still has her youthful energy to take care of us (though some of my siblings, nephews and nieces are abroad). She still cooks our everyday meals and can even turn a simple family get-together to a feast…of course with her specialties (everybody loves her Russian potato salad). Among other things she does everyday, she also supervises my yayas mostly throughout the day when we are at work. She is a referee to my kids and nieces and they run to her side on the slightest commotion at home.
She is one in a million for me. I thank God for my parents, for a wonderful set of parents that He has chosen for me. Mama is a very special person, though there are occasions when I have not fully shown how grateful I am, I want to let her (and the persons reading my blog) know how much I appreciate everything she has done and still doing for me (for us). She (and Papa) has given themselves fully, who wanted all the good things for us their children, for that I am deeply thankful. I write this…
…not just because of Mother’s Day, but because I wanted to share what and how I feel. I may not be the best daughter a mother can have, and I may not be the best mother I can be to my children… but I’m getting there! Ha ha...
…to express my gratitude and appreciation. I am what I am today because of her.
…to tell her not to worry, I (we) will always be here for her.
...most of all, just to say, I LOVE YOU MA!